Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Great Glastonbury Guests Guessing Game!

Glastonbury is nearly here! Only 2 sleeps to go!

The Glasto-Scouts are packing bags, picking bands, cleaning off their gumboots and waiting for our delivery of 66 pints of canned beer...

We're sure some of you readers out there must be PRETTY JEALOUS (waa haa haa!) - so to keep you occupied until we get back from 5 days of party, I've provided some entertainment!

Here you can see a partial list of the artists playing Glastonbury this year (well, no Foo Fighters since Dave Grohl broke his leg...). Just click on it to make it big.

And below you can see a series of drawings,
of the Glasto-Scouts,
dressed up in costumes,
depicting some of the different band names!

Oh what fun!

All you have to do is work out which band is represented by each one! Amazing!

You might even end up listening to some new music.

So click them to make them bigger, and lets get started:

Did you get all those? No? Well it must be your fault - not that my interpretations are weird... cough.


That was only a tiny number of the bands that were playing at Glastonbury - (you can see the FULL list here).
I didn't have time to draw any more, but there are so many more bands with names that make great picture puzzles, and plenty more I didn't think of!
SO here is a challenge for you!

Pick a band (or bands) from the list, draw a picture of it and send it to me, I'll put it up here on the blog and we can all try to guess what you have created (obviously it doesn't even matter if you can draw or not, that's just more challenge!)

Let me know how you get on, and what you think!

Ciao for now. xxx

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Selling Your Soul.

It's a sad day here in London.
My heart feels a little less full.

Saving money by not getting haircuts only stretched so far - and Drama Queen moments could no longer be avoided.

2 years ago I spent a good amount of time tracking down a Brompton folding bike of my very own - And today I had to put a good buddy up for sale. (you can see an image I used from the ad below)

Friday, 12 June 2015

Perhaps You See Where This Is Going.

Düsseldorf, Germany happens to be the cheapest possible place to fly for the weekend.
So expect an update from there! 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Glastonbury Festival, AGAIN!

Yup, the biggest music festival around starts June 24th and we will be rocking out again!

You may remember last year's edition where we got to stay in the cool octopad accommodation (see the logo for last year here!).

But this year EVERYONE wanted an octopad so we missed out, BUT will be staying in an 8 person scout tent!

So good-bye Octo-pals , and say hello to the Glasto-scouts!

Pretty sweet logo huh?! Did you know I could draw something like that? 'Cos I certainly didn't.

There are a lot more Glastonbury updates coming up, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Unlocked: A New Level.

Moral of the story: Stay away from cheap vermouth.
(and don't consume enough negronis for 4 people).