Tuesday, 24 December 2013

A Loving Christmas Card To All You Readers!

Christmas is finally here!
And here is my Christmas present to you all, I hope you like it and share it around. It's kid friendly so be sure to read it to them on Christmas eve!
[Click the link below the title page to see the rest - then clicking a page should open a slide-show if you prefer to read it that way].

Friday, 20 December 2013

And We Now Bring You: The Worst.

...They would probably just play it MORE.

So please, this Christmas, use your axes against Christmas trees and firewood... 
not for vigilante justice.

Sunday, 15 December 2013


Being in the Northern Hemisphere in December is a totally different feeling!
It feels so... Christmas-y!
Its cold and dark, so you appreciate warm clothes and all the lights that are on.
You can even wear crazy jumpers that make you look like a pudding!

It almost makes you want to break into song...

... Though really, we only sing one Christmas song with any panache...

Credit to The Pouges.