Friday 20 June 2014

One Whole Year In Review.

So here are a selection of photos from all the cities I have been to in the past year since leaving New Zealand. I think you will agree I've done quite well!
This also gives me a chance to tell you about some places I didn't get time to write an individual blog post for.

I should also say, at no point have I EVER considered myself a good photographer...

Tokyo, Japan.

This might seem a weird photo to represent Tokyo, but this was the best ramen ever... I still dream about it...

Osaka, Japan.

Osaka is a cool city with a lot of light, and was pretty fun (except when you get lost).

Kyoto, Japan.

Here is a photo from a park in Kyoto, which is a beautiful city by a river. If you look closely you can see a turtle chilling out in the centre of the picture (not sure if he was a ninja or not). 

London, England. 

Richmond park, a big park to ride bikes around in, with loads of deer! Pretty cool to be taking wildlife photos in London!

Prague, Czech Republic. 

A lot of people told me to go to Prague while I was in Europe, saying it was a cool city. That was as much as I knew about it when I showed up - They were totally right! Prague is a really cool city unlike anywhere else. It was great for exploring and drinking too much cheap beer in the summer heat.

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. 

I had no idea this place existed until a tip from a friend in Prague, Cesky Krumlov is amazing! It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is like walking around a giant museum diorama - they even have LIVE BEARS in the moat around the castle!!!

Vimperk, Czech Republic.

I've already covered the town where I went to the Czech wedding in previous posts. Here's me chilling out in the woods just to show you its not all about cities. I even ate some wild blackberries. 

Pilsen, Czech Republic. 

 Pilsen is famous for what else - Pilsner. So I left a message in the beer museum and went and drank a few.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Probably my favourite city in Europe so far! Bikes, canals, friendly people, cheese! I have made 3 trips so far - and there will be more I am sure! 

Barcelona, Spain. 

My first taste of Spain, Loved that such a big city had a clean beach right there for swimming! Something I really miss when in London. I spent so much time at the beach and eating ice cream that I missed a lot of the main sights! Oh well I will get back to see them sometime.

Bristol, England.

Bristol is a funky city with a definite arty vibe. There are loads of awesome graffiti works to see just by walking around - but if I had to pick a favourite... well you can't really go past break-dancing Jesus: 

Granada, Spain.

I already posted photos of this city when I was first there, and it was also the setting for the amazing Christmas story last year. The best thing about Granada is defiantly that you are given tapas for free with every drink you buy! Awesome.

Cambridge, England. 

A crazy whirlwind idea late one evening - and I was in Cambridge. Pretty cool place, lots of Uni students that all look a bit Harry Potter-ish.

Utrecht, The Netherlands.

On one of my trips in Netherlands I went out into the country and had a look around. There was a farmhouse where they made one of the worlds greatest gifts - Cheese. Hard not to get excited.

Sierra Nevada, Spain. 

Snowboarding at Christmas, awesome. It's even more exciting if you're a backpack!

Edinburgh, Scotland 

Stone houses, cold weather, black pudding - I really liked Edinburgh. I especailly liked that you could walk out of the main town straight into a scene like this.

Verbier, Switzerland. 

Awsome ski resort! This photo was taken at the top of the highest run, looking into France. It was so much fun just looking at this photos makes me want to go again. 

Basel, Switzerland. 

Take a lesson from me, be careful where you go on a Sunday in Europe. Some places decide they are too lazy to be a city any more. As seen here. Ha!

Berlin, Germany. 

I really didn't make enough of a fuss about Berlin on this blog (I was having too much fun). Berlin is really cool - lots of meat, lots of things to see, this cool bi-polar feel about the place. So far it's the only German city on the list! 

Brighton, England. 

Brighton - Strange place. I like the town but... the beach... is a bit weird. You can see me pondering why their sand is so big, here: 

Isle of Skye; Highlands; Loch Ness, Scotland. 

 You can never have enough pictures of Coos.

 Eilean Donan Castle - looks seriously cool.

Here's a picture of Loch Ness at night. To make sure we didn't miss out on a chance to meet Nessy, I went swimming. One of the coldest swims I have ever taken. (Sorry no monsters). 

Dorset, England. 

I went to south England to see what life is like outside of London. And despite being really hungover, their cool seaside villages, cheese mongers and smashing rocks looking for fossils were totally worth the visit. But what made it a great visit was what I saw in a field out of town- this:
HAHAHA, that's a legitimate McDonald's!! HAHA I laughed so long and so loud. It looks like some farmer nailed some yellow 'M's to his house and started selling burgers. Oh my, haha.

So that brings us to the end of the 1 year review. As you can tell there is still a lot of places to cover, and hopefully I will get to them soon! I am missing everyone in NZ a lot. But hopefully will see you all soon too.

'Til next time!

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