Saturday 1 February 2014

Welcome to Switzerland!

 One week Swiss snowboard trip starts NOW!  First lets get to the ski-resort:

But wait... there's more! see below!

Like the cartoon? Now play the GAME!
Try to solve Deuter's Super Sweet Semi-racist Swiss Stereotype Search!!

Deuter has given you clues to various Swiss tropes, work them out and then find them in the picture above. [Its a large picture so you can click on it for high definition!]

1) A favourite of cartoon mice everywhere: Swiss _ _ _ _ _ _.
2) The sexiest thing you can do with your voice: _ _ _ _ _.
3) Often says 'MOO': _ _ _.
4) Lots of these means lots of snowboarding: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
5) This little guy might have belonged to Heidi: _ _ _ _.
6) Your default gift at the airport: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
7) Landlocked, you can't swim at the beach so you go to a: _ _ _ _.
8) This cow must be pH 7, his face shows his: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
9) Why Swiss people are always on time: Swiss _ _ _ _ _.
10) This food is facial hair's worst enemy: _ _ _ _ _ _.
11) Every embezzler uses one of these: Swiss _ _ _ _.
12) The best pants for drinking beer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
13) I've got a fever and the only prescription is more: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
14) It's nice when your military promotes wine drinking: Swiss _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _.
15) This instrument makes the second sexiest noise in Switzerland: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Good luck! Let us know how you get on! 
You'll find us on the slopes!

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