Tuesday 24 December 2013

A Loving Christmas Card To All You Readers!

Christmas is finally here!
And here is my Christmas present to you all, I hope you like it and share it around. It's kid friendly so be sure to read it to them on Christmas eve!
[Click the link below the title page to see the rest - then clicking a page should open a slide-show if you prefer to read it that way].


Have a happy friendly Christmas everyone!


  1. Hi Brad, I loved your story! I would like to know how old is Deuter? From Amy Box, age 6

  2. Hi Brad, I loved Deuter's Christmas story. I would like to see another backpack friend for Deuter in a sequel. From Jessie Box, age 9

  3. Hi Brad, Why did you left Deuter behind? From Shaun, age 6
